Educational Robotics

Nowadays, there is a growing need of experts in the field of robotics, as well as of proper educational resources to train them. Thats why The Inbots project decided to search for educational programs, courses or summer/winter schools that are entirely dedicated to robotics, and analysed in detail educational resources that are available.



Curricula and School focused on Robotics

The INBOTS project retrieved information on degrees and schools entirely devoted to Robotics. The preliminary results indicate that there is a majority of Master’s degrees and PhD courses that focus on robotics, while Bachelor’s degrees are usually less specialized. These programs are designed to promote a high-quality educational offer in the area of advanced and intelligent robotics




Find out about the schools which offer robotics studies


On-line educational resources

The growing need of experts in the field of robotics lead to an increase of the number of books and on-line courses on topics related to Robotics, thought for different levels of education. Teaching methodologies can benefit from recently introduced tools, including MOOCs :Massive Open Online Courses, and repositories for multimedia material such as video lectures and e-books.

Find out more about academic education on our white paper



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