• Publication of CWA 17664:2021 Lower-limb wearable devices – Performance test method for walking on uneven terrain
    A CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) on lower-limb wearable devices was developed under the leadership of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) as a joint initiative by the INBOTS and EUROBENCH project. A CEN Workshop Agreement is developed when a technology has not yet
  • Published article in “Acreditas” about Higher Education (Spanish)
    Dr. Monica Malvezzi and Dr. Amparo Grau talks about the INBOTS project, from the perspective of Higher Education (pages 9-11): https://acreditas.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Acreditas_4.pdf
  • INBOTS Curricula & Open Educational Resources for an Inclusive Robotics Education
    As part of the project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme, Inclusive Robotics for a Better Society – INBOTS with the participation of 25 partners from 13 European countries, EDUMOTIVA has contributed to the creation of a sustainable framework for robotics education highlighting the need for a paradigm
  • International EURA Conference “Regulating UncertAInty” (8-9 April, 2021)
    During the two days, internationally-renowned scholars will participate in the conference discussing the following questions: What is the relationship between law and ethics? Can and should ethics be used for regulatory purposes? What is the most appropriate level for regulating AI: local, regional, international or global? To what extent should
  • New methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate tax crime in the EU
    As part of a series of 18 events organised across Europe, with the support of the European INBOTS project, on Friday 22 January 2021, Prof. Umut Turksen, Professor at Coventry University in the UK and Coordinator of the PROTAX project, presented in Spain the results of the PROTAX project and
  • One approach to include horizontal aspects in standardisation could be through the funding of European research projects with a Technology Readiness Level of six or higher
    INBOTS is working to develop a standardization and benchmarking strategy related to horizontal aspects of interactive robots, like their safety or performance in different application domains such as medical, industry, consumer and service. This activity is led by Deutsches Institut fuer Normung (DIN) at the Work Package 4 that in
  • Health care includes advanced robots that have been used for a while such as robotized assistance for surgery and robots for social care
    One of the objectives of INBOTS is to promote societal and socio-economic uptake of robotics. The project has a specific work package for this purpose, led by KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This work package collects best practices of new robotic applications, grasp the societal values, needs and expectations of
  • Where robotic solutions can do a better job than humans, there are good opportunities.
    Roberto Conti tells us about the robotics market new trends and next challenges. He is a Research and Development Engineer at IUVO, a startup that emerged from the italian Scuola superiore Sant’Anna, and he is also the coordinator of the INBOTS’ work package dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and nontechnical support
  • When does AI become a producer & consumer of Copyright?
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been the subject of a great deal of academic interest in recent times; it has captured the attention of copyright lawyers fascinated by the thought of machines creating works of art, music and literature. There is no doubt that, as has often happened in the past
  • Will a robot be the next Nobel Prize in Literature?
    At INBOTS we are making a deep study on how interactive Robotics evolves and the effects of the conjunction of this technology with Artificial Intelligence in the different spheres of our daily life. One of the main areas of discussion is about the workplace and how robotics will change the
  • INBOTS at the CYBATHLON Symposium
    Now in a fully virtual, interactive format, the CYBATHLON Symposium has taken place on September 17 and 18 in spite of the pandemic crisis running. The Symposium is a conference format that adds scientific and discursive context to the main event, the CYBATHLON, which will take place on November 13-14
    WHAT SHOULD BE AUTOMIZED WHEN ROBOTS ENTER HOME CARE? As part of inspiring increased knowledge about important issues regarding social uptake of robots, INBOTS Work package 6 gave a symposia at the 12th International Conference on Gerontechnology, ISG2020. The conference was sent online due to the Corona pandemic October 6-9,
    The call for the 2nd edition of EURA Industry 4.0 Innovation Bootcamp is open. A complete and updated course designed to offer the most advanced insight on Robotics and AI regulation to engineers, law students, lawyers, practitioners, investors, entrepreneurs, business-people interested either in bringing R&AI products onto the market or
  • A step closer to benchmarking on robotics
    Since last September the 1st, all those developers of robotic technologies such as exoskeletons, humanois, prosthesis and other overground robots, can present their proposals to get funded with up to € 100.000 for testing and validating their technology at the first benchmarking framework in Europe. The architect of this feat
  • The strengthening allowed by biorobotics
    Our project partner and leader of the team working in a proposal for a regulatory & risk management framework for Interactive Robotics, Andrea Bertolini, participated in a podcast on sports and human enhancement of the Itallian Volleyball Federation where he discussed about how new technology might empower humans for the practice of sports. In an specific way,
  • What is the future of educational robots? What is the vision of educational robot industry?
    We interview Costas Sisamos, founder of ENGINO, a company dedicated to provide robotics tools to allow children learn how to develop robotics. About the ENGINO company… Tell us a little about your professional career up to now and how you have started Engino. How did you develop the initial idea?
  • Ciencia, tecnología y soledad
    El desafío es desarrollar entornos tecnológicos ‘amigables’, que no aíslen del mundo y que ayuden a superar la soledad no deseada. La pandemia de la COVID-19 que estamos padeciendo ha puesto sobre la palestra problemas y déficits de nuestras sociedades. Unas semanas de aislamiento forzoso han sacado a flote uno
  • The first benchmarking framework for robotics is closer
    EUROBENCH project is progressing in the development of the first benchmarking framework for bipedal robotics in europe, and soon, they will be ready to receive the first testers. EUROBENCH is an EU funded project that started in 2018 with the aim of creating a benchmarking framework where two facilities (one
  • INBOTS collaboration with ROTECO
    What is ROTECO about? ROTECO is a teaching community interested in preparing students for the digital society through educational robotics and computer science. The project is supported by 3 institutions (EPFL, ETHZ and SUPSI-DFA) and is financed by the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Several Swiss Universities of Teacher Education have
  • Are construction workers closer to work from home?
    During the global crisis generated by COVID 19, all the movements have been restricted and in many nations have established restrictions even to work, promoting that all of those who could work from home, did it. This situation has exposed those who are unable to work from home to be
  • Join the AI-ROBOTICS vs COVID-19 initiative of the European AI Alliance
    The value of the European Union shines specially in times of crisis. Given the strong spreading capacity and mortality rate of the COVID 19, the European Commission seeks to make healthcare systems more efficient in order to sustain European society. The Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Unit of the European Commission has launched an
  • Why is social uptake of interactive robots lagging behind in Europe?
    The European Commission is funding INBOTS – Inclusive Robotics for a Better Society – with the purpose to create a community hub that can bring together experts to debate and create a responsible research and innovation paradigm for robotics. Work package 6 has the responsibility to find out how to
  • The role of labour jurists in the digital revolution
    In the technological context described today as the 4th Industrial Revolution, which is more than just a description of technology-driven change, we jurists are obliged to understand the phenomenon. First, understand it, define it and delimit it; then, explain it and analyze it; and finally, propose fair and equitable solutions,
  • WP3: UNISI, leader on tasks for development of educational programs.
    We interviewed Monica Malvezzi, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Siena and the INBOTS project coordinator in the WP3. Which is the role of IUVO in the INBOTS project? The researchers of the University of Siena involved in INBOTS have an extensive expertise in education and academic life.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Threat or Opportunity?
    Robots, replicators, automatons, androids… are some of the different names given to self-moving machines. From the animated statues and hydraulic devices of the Middle Ages to the duck of Vaucanson, through the Greek myths that imagined fireworks, robots and self-propelled statues that have captivated the imagination and fed fears about the possibility of creating intelligence and artificial life. Today, the technology dreamt of by myths and sought after by protoengineers of various eras is already possible.
  • The elderly’s involvement in technology
    According to a KTH study (Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm), older people’s involvement in technology matters, but it hasn’t reached its full potential. Technology holds a huge potential to help improve the elderly’s life quality. However, there still are many barriers to technology adoption by older adults that hinder
  • INBOTS: The Transition towards a Robotics Society
    The European Commission has been very positive about the INBOTS results so far. Everything related with the studies and activities of the INBOTS project about legal, ethical, economic, tax, labor, gender aspects will be presented in the White Paper for the Regulation of Interactive Robotics.
  • Interactive Robotics Documentary Film
    The robots are leaving the factories, will we be ready? As part of the project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme, Inclusive Robotics for a Better Society (INBOTS), the Institute of Philosophy of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has coordinated the production of this documentary film that
  • The INBOTS team begin 2020 on the right track
    INBOTS members from all over Europe got together for the third and last annual meeting which took place at The Institute of Philosophy in Madrid on a two-day event that was arranged with the purpose of defining the project’s future path. The team successfully discussed the previous performance of each one of the knowledge fields and established a series of strategies that will be carried out throughout 2020.
  • WP4: The German Institute for Standardisation leads the Interactive Robotics standardisation strategy for Europe
    We interview Saskia Maresch, an industrial engineer with a B.Sc in intertaniotal Businees who works as project manager at DIN, a global reference company in stardardisation. DIN leads the working group for the coordination of standardisation and benchmarking strategies on Interactive Robotics.
  • Interview to Francesco Ferro
    In the context of INBOTS Working group on market analyses & support to SMEs Francesco Ferro, CEO of PAL Robotics, answers to our questions to know how he made this interactive robotics company successful Who you are? Please describe briefly yourself. I’m the CEO and owner of PAL robotics. I’m
  • INBOTS attends the COP25
    On november the 9th, in the context of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25), INBOTS participated in a Conference of the Project CertificaRSE where experts in taxative systems and representatives from several institutions discussed about the different lines of action to control emissions through the use of fiscal incentives and
  • Workshop on self-coaching tools for conducting responsible research and innovation (RRI) with social robots
    Prof. María Amparo Grau Ruiz, the principal investigator at INBOTS from the University Complutense, in collaboration with Eduard Foch-Villaronga, Postdoctoral Researcher at the eLaw Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, and Laura Aymerich-Franch,  researcher at Pompeu Fabra University, have cordinated a workshop on self-coaching tools for conducting responsible research
  • Educating children to create their own Robots
    At INBOTS we are concern about the future developments in robotics, it is important to foster the interest among children about how robots are built up and help them see what they can create EDUMOTIVA team is currently working on robotics curricula and resources targeting children from 5 to 17
  • The INBOTS curricula
    European Robotics Week 2019 event, the uptake of robotics in education On the 16th November 2019 EDUMOTIVA, national coordinator in Greece of the European Robotics Week 2019 (#ERW), celebrated ERW with a public talk in Athens focused on the presentation of the INBOTS project and especially Work Package 3 actions.
    Organized by CEN / CENELEC, with the support of the European Commission The “Boosting innovation through standards” conference 2019, sets to strengthen European Businesses On 13 November 2019, CEN and CENELEC, the European Standards Organization, organized the high-level flagship event “Boosting innovation through standards” conference 2019, which aimed to accelerate
  • INBOTS at Maker Faire Rome 2019
    INBOTS project participated at the Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition -, the three-day European event dedicated to technological innovation that took place at the Rome Fair on 18-20 October. Over 600 projects were presented during the event: from applications of artificial intelligence to robotics to the latest news
  • INBOTS IPR aspects spreaded around Japan
    Dr Enrico Bonadio is currently touring Japanese universities and giving seminars highlighting the research he is conducting in the context of the INBOTS project. Indeed, Dr Bonadio’s research focuses on intellectual property aspects of robotics, and expands on the impact of the artificial intelligence revolution on copyright and patent laws.
  • The social robots of the future are in Sweden
    INBOTS is part of the development of a Swedish exhibition that invites the public to reflect on the social robots of the future. The exhibition “Hello Robot” opened on October 5, 2019 at the Work Museum in Norrköping and wants to explain the context of social robots and raise concerns
  • Inbots in Labour2030, Oporto, 2019.
    Yolanda Sánchez-Uran Azaña from our Working team on legal, social and economics perspective, spoke about The Impact of Robotics and Computerization on the Labour Market: Inclusive insight from a Law and Economics perspective.This  papers , forthcoming in Law and Innovation Journal, Edit.Wolters Kluwer, is written with Juan Ignacio López Sánchez
  • Workshop on Inclusive Robotic & brain-machine technologies
    It was a great day yesterday at San Telmo Museum, in Bilbao, where in the context of Hello Robot Expo we had the presentation of the teaser of our second documentary on Inclusive Robotics leaded by the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC which will deal with the main worries
  • WP6: KTH, a leader in technical research leading the robotics uptake
    We interview Susanne Frennert, PhD Rehabilitation Engineering and member of the KTH team at INBOTS leader of the WP 6.   Which is the role of KTH in the INBOTS project? KTH is the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. We are responsible for one third of Sweden’s capacity for technical
  • INBOTS Collaboration with DIH2
    What is DIH² about? DIH² is a network of 26 DIHs (digital innovation hubs), with a target to reach over 170 DIHs.  The  sole  aim  of  the  network  is  to  spark  incremental  (cut  50%  cost  of  advance  robotics  solutions,  double  the  growth  of  robotics  market)  and  disruptive  (maximum productivity & optimum agility) innovations in over 300,000 Manufacturing SMEs and Mid-Caps. The  program  will  support  SMEs  in  their  Agile  Production  challenge 
  • INBOTS visit the Waseda University to talk about relevant issues concerning Robotics
      Last week Waseda University in Tokyo hosted a seminar on robotics which was also joined by INBOTS researchers, Dr Luke McDonagh and Dr Enrico Bonadio, and attracted more than 100 people. The series of talks have focused on robotics research, innovation and related IP strategies, with speakers coming from
  • Research on robots taxation systems
    Álvaro Falcón Pulido (UCM team member) participated in the second edition of PhDay Law, that was held on May 28th. He presented his first ideas on Tax and Robotics, his thesis under supervision of Prof. Grau Ruiz. His presentation explored the possible taxation of robots and its multiple problems on
    By María Amparo Grau Ruiz  Complutense University of Madrid In this stage of hasty transition in which we live, in which more and more artefacts are used for mechanical and other relatively intelligent tasks, we must stop – if only for a few moments – to think about what we
  • INBOTS is presented at the law school of Maynooth University
    On April the 30th, Prof. Enrico Bonadio, from thy City Law School, our Project parnert working on Intellectual Property Regulations affecting Interactive Robotics, atended the law school of Maynooth University where he expanded on the Intellectual Property aspects of robotics and artificial intelligence. During the talk he presented the INBOTS Project, explaining its relevance in
  • Artificial Legal Personalities, Are there new subjects to contribute due to the progress in robotics and AI?
    Yesterday, Prof. Maria Amparo Grau, our comsortium member from the University Complutense of Madrid attended to the International Day on “Diffuse and Artificial Legal Personalities”, organized by the University of Barcelona, where she contributed to the session on “Artificial Legal Personalities” with the paper entitled: “Are there new subjects to contribute due to the progress in
  • INBOTS impact on Nature Artificial Intelligence
    After a year of working to create a knowledge community to enable the development of an interactive robotics industry on a common paradigm of responsible research and innovation, the industry is beginning to echo the work that INBOTS is doing. The magazine Nature Artificial Intelligence has published a piece of
  • INBOTS Workshops at ERF 2019
    This year, to increase the impact of the INBOTS Project we decided to celebrate the event named as INBOTS Conference with a number of workshops, conferences and meeteings that took place during the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2019 edition in the rumanian city of Bucharest. We started our workshops with
  • INBOTS collaboration with RobotUnion
    What is RobotUnion about?  RobotUnion is designed to increase the number of unicorns in Europe in leveraging on European uniqueness and expertise in robotics related fields by implementing an ambitious programme which consists of: State-of-the-art technical support and access to “premier-class” technology provided by top Research and Technology Organizations like
    From February 25th to 28th 2019, the Faculty of Law of the Complutense University of Madrid hosted the International Seminar on “NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND LAW. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES ARISING FROM ROBOTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”. Professors Sánchez-Urán Azaña and Grau Ruiz directed this Seminar organized with the Brazilian Federal Judges Associations (AJUFESP &
  • INBOTS & COST Action 16116 on Wearable Robots
    (IFS CSIC Mario Toboso y Aníbal Monasterio; UCM Yolanda Sánchez-Urán, Ana Lambea & Amparo Grau ) These days the leaders of the ethical, legal and social (ELS) Working Group of the COST Action 16116 on Wearable Robots Dr. Heike Felzmann from NUI Galway (Ireland), Ms. Alexandra Kapeller from Linköping University (Sweden), Dr.
  • RobotUnion launches its second open call with €4 million public funding for startups and SMEs
    RobotUnion launches its second open call with €4 million public funding for startups and SMEs Launched within the framework of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, it is the first European acceleration project that discovers, supports and funds innovative projects in the robotics industry In this open call, the programme
  • Workshop on Digital Economy and Social Protection Systems
    The Group of “Studies on Sufficient Pensions, Universal Social Security and Democracy” of the FUNDACIÓN FRANCISCO LARGO CABALLERO (Spain), organized a workshop to present the changes that the digital economy are bringing to the labour market in order to identify the main challenges that the society and regulators must overcome
  • Interview to Jaime Duarte
    In the context of INBOTS Working group on market analyses & support to SMEs Jaime Duarte, CEO and co-founder of MyoDwiss, a company that emerged from the academia and which is seeking to meet the market needs. Who you are? Please describe briefly yourself. My name is Jaime Duarte. I am
  • Setting the roadmap for a consensus on a responsible research & innovation for the development & uptake of Interactive Robotics
      On January 2019  the INBOTS Project members met in the iceland city of Reikjavik to celebrate the second annual meeting of this european Project. The event, hosted by Ossür, was a great opportunity to share the advances made on each área of expertise pro promote the development and uptake
  • INBOTS at the International Tax Cooperation Congress 2019
    INBOTS participates at the International Tax Cooperation Congress2019, an event that gathered together experts to discuss about the global tax model, and the issues that shpould be taken into consideration to built modernized tax systems allowing  the international tax cooperation and global tax governance. This ecosystem would contribute to the deployment of
  • Interview to Jody Saglia
    In the context of INBOTS Working group on market analyses & support to SMEs Jody Saglia, CTO and co-founder of Movendo, answers to our questions revealing how they are working to change the market of rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Who you are? Please describe briefly yourself. Hello my name is Jody Saglia.
  • Survey on Robotics in education
    Learning robotics is nowadays no more limited to engineering and technical studies. Robots are spreading outside factories, in everyday life, and this requires that a much wider part of the society becomes aware of how robots are made and can be controlled. In this respect, education plays a fundamental role
  • EUROBENCH project FSTP-1 Open Call first results
    The EUROBENCH project, which aim is to built the first benchmarking framework for bipedal robotics, with two facilities and one open software, will sum a total of two FSTP Open Calls to fund third parties who will be in charge of making all the developments required for the achievement of its purposes.
  • INBOTS shares experiences in the education on robotics
    On December 14th, Monica Malvezzi our consortium member from the University of Sienna gave a talk in a Seminar on “Robotics: sharing experiences between schools, universities and employment” organized by Isis Valdarno and the Comune di Montevarchi, two Tuscany institutions. The seminar, with an attendance of 250 people,  was an useful nexus between students,
  • Interview to Nicola Vitiello
    In the context of INBOTS Working group on market analyses & support to SMEs Nicola Vitiello, founding partner of IUVO, answers to our questions to know how they manage to create this successful exosqueletons spinoff that arose from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Who you are? Please describe briefly yourself. Hello, I’m
  • New study on Legislation & regulation drones for civil use
    On November 2018 the paper “Artificial Intelligence and civil law: liability rules for drones“, was published. This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, with the aim of analysing the existing European and national legislation on the regulation of drones for
  • INBOTS Workshop with teachers on the Uptake of Robotics in Education
    In the frame of the INBOTS project and the European Robotics Week 2018, a workshop on the uptake of Robotics in education was organized by EDUMOTIVA. The workshop took place on December 1, 2018 at EDUMOTIVA premises in Athens, where teachers engaged in educational robotics were invited to present their
  • Wondering the best way to support SMEs & entrepreneurs
    At INBOTS we want to collect info on funding instruments, exploitation strategies, business models, etc to support SMEs and entrepreneurs working in Interactive Robotics. To better reach this challenge we need to collect meaningful information regarding the non-technical barriers in the development of the different robotic solutions in real-life applications.
  • A survey to hear the experts on standardization of Interactive Robotics
    INBOTS aims to develop a standardization strategy for Interactive Robotics in the manufacturing, healthcare and consumer domain. An interactive robot is, in our point of view, any robot that is interacting in close proximity with humans, and due to the increase of their presence in the daily life and the
  • INBOTS participates in the “Science and Innovation Week “
    From November 5th to 18th, took place the Science and Innovation Week in Madrid, an annual event that was celebrating it XVIII edition. With an agenda full of opportunities to discover the last novelties in diverse technological fields, there were space for everyone, like children around 5 years old who were able
  • INBOTS promotes education on robotics among females
    Maria Pozzi*, on November the 10th, talk about her study and research experience in robotics at an event thought for encouraging high school female students to study STEM subjects. This participation was part of the strategy of the INBOTS project to promote highly-accesible and multidisciplinary education programs promoting the education among
  • The INBOTS project holds its first annual Conference
    The first Conference of the European project INBOTS took place in the Italian city of Pisa between October 16th and 18th, held in parallel to the 4th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2018) and the International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob2018). The event brought together more than 500 experts and developers
  • INBOTS organises the first workshop on Funding Opportunities for Robotics
    On September 28th, the member of WP1 INNCOME started one of a series of workshops aimed at contributing to inform entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs about funding instruments related to Interactive Robotics. In this case, the event took place in Madrid, at the Fundación Parque Científico de Madrid, and had the
  • Presentation of the lecture “Implications of robotics in safety at work” by Yolanda Sánchez-Urán
    Mª Yolanda Sánchez-Urán Azaña, Professor of Labour Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), participated as a speaker in the Conference on “Risks inherent to the Digitalisation of Work“, organised by the Counselling of Employment of the Regional Government of Castilla y León and the University of León. Yolanda is
  • A unified benchmarking framework for bipedal robotics
    One of the objectives of INBOTS is to develop a standardization and benchmarking strategy to horizontal aspects, such as the safety or the performance of interactive robots in different application domains, such as medical, industry, customer and service ones. To reach this purpose INBOTS is collaborating with other projects which
  • INBOTS Conference 2018
    INBOTS is organising the INBOTS Conference 2018, that will bring together the main stakeholders involved in Interactive Robotics development, acceptance and integration in society. The European project INBOTS “Inclusive Robotics for a better Society” is organizing the first INBOTS Conference that will be held in Pisa, from October 16 to
  • INBOTS INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Responsible Research and Innovation in Robotics held in Madrid on July 12th
    On Thursday, 12th of July an International Workshop on “Responsible Research and Innovation in Robotics” was held as a part of INBOTS CSA. The workshop was organised by Amparo Grau, Proffessor of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and leader of the Workpackage on Promoting debate on legal, ethics and socio-economic
  • INBOTS at SUMMER COURSE: Technological revolution and the future of labour
    INBOTS representatives Amparo Grau and Yolanda Sánchez-Urán atended to the Summer Course ‘Technological Revolution and the future of labour‘ hosted by Universidad Complutense de Madrid on July 2nd and 3rd. A session where experts from diverse matters discussed about the fears in society about excessive robotization in the world of
  • Summer Course: Technological revolution and the future of work
    The Professors Yolanda Sánchez-Urán and María Amparo Grau from Universidad Complutense de Madrid will be attending the summer course “Technological revolution and the future of work”, that is promoted by the same institution. In this event a number of experts in different scopes will discuss about the consequences that new
  • First INBOTS Conference in October 2018
    We are pleased to announce that we already know more information about the INBOTS Conference 2018, the first of a number of events that will bring together the main stakeholders in the field of Interactive Robotics to make an upgrade in the progress and advances made and discuss the main
  • INBOTS discuss about where is the work of the future going
    Yolanda Sanchez-Urán Azaña, professor on Labour and Social Security Law at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, was invited to attend the event ‘Future of labour & digital platforms’ hosted by the Spanish Association of Digital Economy (Asociación Española de la Economía Digital) where she participated in the talk about ‘Employment and digitisation: where is
  • Getting ready for INBOTS Conference
    In mid-June, members of the consortium held a follow-up meeting of the project in Berlin where they took advantage of the opportunity to make further progress on several of the issues related to support for entrepreneurs, intellectual property, standardization and the search for good practices… Work was also carried out
  • INBOTS collaboration with COST Action
    What is COST CA16116 about? Wearable Robots (WRs) can be used to augment, train or supplement human motor functions or to replace them completely. WRs can operate alongside human limbs, as is the case in orthotic robots, exoskeletons or robotic suits, but also include robotic prosthetics. WRs are expected to find applications
  • WP1: IUVO, a spin-off to promote entrepreneurship
    We interviewed Roberto Conti, Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and the INBOTS project coordinator at IUVO, the WP 1 leader. Which is the role of IUVO in the INBOTS project? INBOTs project aims at creating a Community Hub on interactive robotics, bringing together more than 25 companies from 13 European countries
  • AI and Robotics, a threat or an opportunity
    Today Amparo Grau, leader of WP2 which regards the promotion of debate on legal, ethics & socio-economic aspects, attended together with Professor José Ignacio López Sánchez, Professor of Business Organisation at UCM and Director of the Research Group on Production and Information and Communication Technologies at Big Data, the Spanish radio station CAPITAL RADIO to talk
  • International Summer School: “The Regulation of Robotics in Europe: Legal, Ethical and Economic Implications”
    The Summer School “The Regulation of Robotics in Europe: Legal, Ethical and Economic Implications” is part of a three-year project that was awarded in the framework of the Call for proposals 2015 — EAC/A04/2014 under the Jean Monnet Activities of the Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet Modules on “Europe Regulates
  • INBOTS connects European IP with Mexican Universities
    On 2nd May 2018, the City Law School intellectual property (IP) academics Dr Luke McDonagh and Dr Enrico Bonadio  co-organised a Knowledge Exchange Forum on Intellectual Property, University Innovation in Robotics and Technology Transfer for Social Enterprises’ in collaboration with Dr Ana G. Alba Betancourt at the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s
  • WP2 leaders at the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid
    Yolanda Sánchez Urán and Amparo Grau, members of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (leader of WP2 which will be responsible for creating the White Paper on the Regulation of Interactive Robotics in the Union) attended to the event hold on April 24th at the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, Spain,
  • Presentation of the paper “The impact of robotics, especially inclusive robotics, on the workplace: labour law and fiscal aspects”
    The Professors Yolanda Sánchez-Urán and María Amparo Grau presented the paper  “THE IMPACT OF ROBOTICS, ESPECIALLY INCLUSIVE ROBOTICS, ON THE WORKPLACE: LABOUR LAW AND FISCAL ASPECTS” in the International Conference “Technological innovation and the future of work: emerging aspects worldwide” held in the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, during the
  • Interview to Jose L. Pons about INBOTS Project
    On 2018 February the 16th, Jose Luis Pons, the INBOTS project coordinator attended to a radio interview at the Spanish national radio station where he had the opportunity to bring up some of the main matters that set the surge of INBOTS project.   A brief resume: In the 21st century
  • Kick off meeting of INBOTS CSA project
    On January 8th and 9th the Kick Off Meeting of INBOTS CSA project was held in Brussels. A consortium of more than 25 companies from 13 European countries brings together the main stakeholders involved in interactive robotics among the member states to deliver future guidelines for the introduction and barrier
  • The date of the Kick-off meeting is settle
    The kick-off meeting of the CSA project INBOTS will take place the days 8 and 9 of January at our Project Coordinator, CSIC, offices in Brussels. At this meeting, members of the 25 institutions from 12 different countries that conform the project consortium, will settle the basis of this project
  • Project will start soon.
    INBOTS project will start in January, 2018…