One of the areas in which INBOTS – Inclusive Robotics for a better society- is focused is on investigating non-technical barriers in the diffusion of different robotic solutions in real life applications.

The first step consisted on regarding the definition of a clear and fruitful outcome for the whole robotics community. To this aim, at INBOTS we have recovered a collection of “success/failure stories” where new entrepreneurs take into account experiences, approaches and tools employed by startups and emerging companies in the field of interactive robotics. With this work, INBOTS pretends to create a collection of experiences, methods, and analysis for highlighting successful approaches in the field of interactive robotics which will hopefully pave the way for new entrepreneurs in this specific field.

The aim is to provide entrepreneurs the tools to allow them to reach the market in the best possible conditions to build a strong European robotics market. The partner leading these activities is IUVO.

Now, at INBOTS we are collecting meaningful information regarding the non-technical barriers in the development of the different robotic solutions in real-life applications. Download here the list of companies producing Humanoids and Wearable Robots. This information has been analysed for the creation of the White Paper on Interactive Robotics Market Analyses & Support for SMEs.