Robots, replicators, automatons, androids… are some of the different names given to self-moving machines. From the animated statues and hydraulic devices of the Middle Ages to the duck of Vaucanson, through the Greek myths that imagined fireworks, robots and self-propelled statues that have captivated the imagination and fed fears about the possibility of creating intelligence and artificial life. Today, the technology dreamt of by myths and sought after by protoengineers of various eras is already possible.
Inteligencia Artificial y robótica: ¿Amenaza u oportunidad?
Una mirada a la ética de la tecnología Txetxu Ausín, Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza, Mario Toboso, Manuel Aparicio, Ricardo Morte y Daniel López (proyectos INBOTS y EXTEND, CSIC) Robots, replicantes, autómatas, androides… son algunos de los distintos nombres que han recibido
¿Está realmente preparada la tecnología para nuestros mayores?
El Instituto de Tecnología de Estocolmo (Suecia), KTH, ha llevado a cabo un estudio para analizar el nivel de aceptación y participación de las personas mayores en relación a la tecnología. Los resultados de este estudio indican que las personas
The elderly’s involvement in technology
According to a KTH study (Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm), older people’s involvement in technology matters, but it hasn’t reached its full potential. Technology holds a huge potential to help improve the elderly’s life quality. However, there still are