EUROBENCH counts on a strong background given by previous work made by five FP7 European projects. To ensure global consensus on the benchmarking methodology (Objective 1), the EUROBENCH will continue on the strategy based on the close collaboration with other EU projects and organizations in Europe, which represents the “genetic footprint” of the Consortium. To this aim, EUROBENCH is currently in contact with the following EU Project Consortia:

EUROBENCH Consortium will define and establish concrete actions with each of these entities, in order to multiply the dissemination and exploitation outcomes of the project, and to make the current European benchmarking network be a strong reality in the near future.

The Consortium will also collaborate closely with the current European initiatives focused on robotic competitions, such as European Robotics League (ERL), with the aim of joining the European efforts on benchmarking under one unified strategy to demonstrate how Europe is taking the lead on these activities. All these collaborative efforts will be implemented by means of the organization of common workshops or events and exchange of good practices.

The EUROBENCH project is also supported by the following committees and associations:

  • COST CA16116: Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions. Tecnalia (J. Veneman) is co-chairing this action.
  • Topic Group Wearable Robots in EURobotics.
  • Topic Group Healthcare Robotics in EURobotics.
  • IEEE-RAS Technical Committee (TC) on wearable robotics.
  • IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Humanoid Robotics.
  • European Robotic League.
  • RACE Center, UK
  • IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of autonomous systems (TC-PEBRAS).
  • IEEE-RAS Standing Committee for Standards Activities (SCSA) under the Industrial Activities Board (IAB)
  • International Industry Society in Advanced Rehabilitation Technology (IISART)

EUROBENCH also has the support of private companies collaborating in the development of our initiatives such as:

Are you part of a European Consortium or Entity interested to collaborate?

Please contact us.