After the closure of the EUROBENCH FSTP-1 Open Call in October 2018, the EUROBENCH team has been working to select and fund the best proposals to be integrated in a common environment that enables testing and benchmarking bipedal robotics technologies.From more than 50 proposals applying for funding to contribute to this development, 17 were selected to ensure EUROBENCH expected impact.

76% of the projects have worked to create software routines, datasets and Test beds, being 54% of them applicable to wearable robotics, 15% to humanoids and the remaining to both technologies. The remaining 24% of projects have focused on developing a benchmarking device composed of sensors and/or actuators, and related Software, to be applied indistinctly to different benchmarking scenarios, being a quarter of them limited to wearable robotics and the remaining open to both wearables and humanoids.

The projects funded by the FSTP1 are listed bellow:

  • BEASTBenchmark enabling active shopping trolley beast
  • B.E.A.T.Balance Evaluation Automated Testbed
  • Bencha Biomechanical tEsting platform for of sit to staNd assessment with an instrumented Chair
  • BenchBalanceA device to apply well defined perturbations for benchmarking balance capabilities of wearable robots
  • BeStaBleBenchmarking System for Assessment of Balance Performance
  • BULLETBenchmarking Upper Limbs Loads on Exoskeleton Testbeds
  • COMTESTComplete Modular Test Stand for Human and Humanoid Posture Control and Balance
  • DYSTURBANCEDynamic and static pusher to benchmark balance
  • EXPERIENCEBenchmarking Exoskeleton-Assisted Gait Based on Users’ Subjective Perspective and Experience
  • FORECASTFORcE Control AlgorithmS Testbench
  • IMCVOMagnetometer-free Inertial Motion Capture System with Visual Odometry
  • MADROBModular Active Door for RObot Benchmarking
  • PEPATOPErformance indicators of spatiotemporal PATterns of the spinal muscle coordination Output during walking with an exoskeleton
  • STEPbySTEPSystematic Test of Exoskeleton Products by a Stairs-based Testbed Evaluation Protocol
  • TestEdBenchmark for Benchmarking Industrial Exoskeleton Technology: Testbed and Software routine development for scenario “Moving in Narrow Space”
  • TREADMILLFTPS 1 Treadmill for Robot Testing
  • UdBenchmarkUps and Downs: benchmarking gait stability of wearable robotic assistive devices and humanoid robots on slopes and lateral inclines

See the graphycs of EUROBENCH FSTP-1