The EUROBENCH Summit will be held on 21 & 22 June in Hospital Los Madroños (Madrid) aiming at bringing together all the entities that have participated in the development of the project.
Robotics and benchmarking experts will be giving talks about the testbeds and results achieved within the framework of the EUROBENCH project. Also, there will be demonstrations guided by the EUROBENCH Third Parties in the facilities.
On the Summit’s first day, Katja Daniela Mombaur from the University of Waterloo will deliver a plenary talk. She is an expert on human-robot interaction, wearable and humanoid robots, and human motion analysis. On the second day, Nicola Vitiello will give the closure plenary talk. He is an associate professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, and expert on human-robot interaction, wearable and humanoid robots, and human motion analysis.
During the Summit programme, attendees will have the opportunity to network and make important connections that can be used to grow their businesses or enrich their lines of research. It will be also an opportunity to know the EUROBENCH facilities, check how useful they are, and learn about the benchmarking software that is accessible from the cloud.
The EUROBENCH project’s goal is to establish the first benchmarking framework for robotic systems in Europe, allowing companies and researchers to test the quality of robots at all stages of development.
In order to do so, the EUROBENCH consortium organized two open calls to fund projects for developing and validating facilities through the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) procedure. That way the EUROBENCH consortium, together with the funded entities, has developed two testing facilities for robots and a unified benchmarking software.
Thanks to these facilities, standardized tests can be performed on robotic prototypes in a single location, saving both resources and time. The facility destined to wearable robots is located at the Hospital Los Madroños (Madrid), and the one destined to humanoid robots is located at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Genoa).
The unified Benchmarking Software includes common protocols for executing standardized tests in any lab setting, computational tools for calculating performance scores based upon quantitative Performance Indicators, and a unified database that enables comparison with other systems.
After several years of hard work, the EUROBENCH consortium wants to put the finishing touch to its project with this essential meeting for robotics benchmarking in Europe. All companies and researchers in the field of robotics are also welcome!