White Paper on Interactive Robotics market analyses and support tools for SMEs (business models and exploitation strategies):

Overview of the companies working in the IR sector, their approaches to the public funding strategies, to the IP management and geographic distribution.

White Paper on Interactive Robotics’ legal, ethics & socio-economic aspects

Overview of the legal, ethical and socio-economic aspects of IR.

White Paper on Interactive Robotics’ education programs and learning activities:

Available and accessible educational resources for learning and teaching robotics, focusing on accessible online resources and on the applications of new technologies as VR/AR

White Paper on Standardization and Interactive Robots:

future interactive robotic and robotic device standardisation activities. The focus lies on IR in the manufacturing, healthcare and consumer domain.

White Paper on Interactive Robotics regulatory and risk management framework:

Proposal of a regulatory and risk management framework for interactive robotics.

White Paper on strategies to increase Interactive Robotics public awareness and acceptance:

existing best practices and analysis of societal values, needs and expectations for the uptake of IR.