Education Programs related to Interactive Robotics


Robots are becoming more suitable to work alongside with humans and are not anymore confined to the industrial environment. Educational Robotics is becoming a worldwide subject of research and discussion, and INBOTS is commited to work on the promotion of highly-accesible and multidisciplinary education programs related to Interactive Robotics.

The partner leading these activities is the Università Degli Studi di Siena.

To learn more about Robotics in Education, click below to read the INBOTS White Paper.





Pre-academic Education

Educational Robotics appears to be a practical learning tool that enables students to express their ideas and imagination by developing simple or advanced mechanisms and robotic entities. Especially, the connection of Ediocational Robotics with play and enjoyment is considered to be an important factor that encourages children and enables intrinsic motivation especially in primary education.


Academic Education

There is a growing need of experts in the field of robotics, as well as of proper educational resources to train them, specially when it comes to almost any Bachelor, Masters or Ph.D. program in Information, Mechanical or Bio Engineering.







Beyond School and University


Even if robot market is continuously increasing, the adoption of automated systems is still mostly limited to large enterprises. Robot adoption is increasing in manufacturing (mainly in automotive and electronic/electrical sectors and still limited to large enterprises), but it is extending also in other sectors, for instance in logistics and healthcare. Besides the costs, another important aspect that limits the adoption of robots, especially in small and medium enterprises (SME) is that employees need to acquire specific skills.



The increase of open software and inexpensive low-cost open hardware movement allows skilled teachers and hobbyists to develop low-cost robots for teaching and learning. Teachers and students need first to learn about the potential benefits of educational robotics to motivate, engage and involve others.


Non-roboticist: General Public

There are many initiatives that are attracting a great amount of public. Regarding the ones that have the biggest impact, our results from the data collected show that fairs, courses, YouTube channels and MOOC’s.


Find out more about Education Robotics on the INBOTS White Paper


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April 2024

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