The kick-off meeting of the CSA project INBOTS will take place the days 8 and 9 of January at our Project Coordinator, CSIC, offices in Brussels. At this meeting, members of the 25 institutions from 12 different countries that conform the project consortium, will settle the basis of this project who has defined for itself the objective of becoming a platform for sharing experiences and accelerating technology transfer, regulation and legislation in the field of interactive robotics.
For some partners this is the first EU funded project, but other partners brings their experience from some previous and relevant projects such as euRobotics, BruBotics, EUCOG or Benchmarking Bipedal Locomotion, where they have already done a great job that we will take advantage of to continue working on it and advance in the development and introduction of interactive robotics.
We are looking forward to starting working in this exciting project!