One approach to include horizontal aspects in standardisation could be through the funding of European research projects with a Technology Readiness Level of six or higher

One approach to include horizontal aspects in standardisation could be through the funding of European research projects with a Technology Readiness Level of six or higher

INBOTS is working to develop a standardization and benchmarking strategy related to horizontal aspects of interactive robots, like their safety or performance in different application domains such as medical, industry, consumer and service. This activity is led by Deutsches Institut

The INBOTS team begin 2020 on the right track

The INBOTS team begin 2020 on the right track

INBOTS members from all over Europe got together for the third and last annual meeting which took place at The Institute of Philosophy in Madrid on a two-day event that was arranged with the purpose of defining the project’s future path. The team successfully discussed the previous performance of each one of the knowledge fields and established a series of strategies that will be carried out throughout 2020.