Dr Enrico Bonadio is currently touring Japanese universities and giving seminars highlighting the research he is conducting in the context of the INBOTS project.
Indeed, Dr Bonadio’s research focuses on intellectual property aspects of robotics, and expands on the impact of the artificial intelligence revolution on copyright and patent laws. He has recently visited the University of Tokyo, giving the lecture “The Encounter between Robotics, AI and Intellectual Property“.
In late November he will also visit the University of Hokkaido, north Japan, where he will give two seminars highlighting and comparing case law from different jurisdictions on robotics-related patents and trade secrets. Particularly interesting will be the lecture that Dr Bonadio will deliver on the 31st October 2019 at the Centre for Human-Nature, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, an inter-disciplinary research and educational center at the University of Hokkaido.